Monday, January 20, 2014

Week Four: the 70$ migraine


I had a really really bad migraine which meant an emergency trip to the chiropractor and in a full on state of self pity, I ordered 30$ of Chinese food. It was a bad choice to order take out, and now I am left with 52$ for the last week of groceries, so now it is time for a super frugal week.

I went to Aldi and to our butcher, and I feel good about our meal plans:

Pasta with meat sauce for dinner and left over lunches.
Veggie Chili and leftovers for lunches and jacket potatoes for my chili hating kids ;)
Chicken legs with mashed potatos and broccoli.
Bean and cheese burritos and salad.
Homemade pizza and salad.
French fries and eggs with salad.
Pasta with tomato sauce and salad.

For breakfast we have cereal and pumpkin bread, and I am going to make a batch of homemade bagels for the freezer.

It really made me wonder why I spend more than 52$ on food every week. Hmmmm.

Frugal things:
Burritos with frozen beans from last month.
Pumpkin bread with frozen pumpkin from last month.
I still have two baguettes in the freezer from last week :)
I am out of tahini, so I am plotting making hummus with almond butter.
I made homemade brownies again! Yummy.

How this project has changed me one month in:
I am over my withdraw from consumerism; I have no desire to buy stuff. Instead, I am looking forward to time with friends, and I continue to reach out for community instead of consumerism. It seems to be a fulfilling substitute, and it is so much better on my budget. I also have found myself being a better, more understanding friend, so I am proud of that.

I am opening my mind to all the opportunities of my career. I am looking at jobs around the world and we even spoke to a realtor about the value of our home. From doing this project, I realize that shopping has been a cover for some dissatisfaction in my job, which ironically has made me more beholden to my job. I want to be a happy, satisfied person, and looking at other jobs really has made me feel less stress at work. I need something new, and I think a new job is the ticket.

Goals for next week: 
Pay off tax bill in full.
Transfer 125$ to hub's account.
Less than 100$ groceries.
Bake more.
Update debt total.
Play outside more.

Over all, one month down,  and I am so proud of me.

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